Jul '23 (edited) in Platinum
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Hello! Welcome to the Income Traders Alliance.
I'm glad you're here.
This community is committed to one primary outcome: to set you up so you can have an income for life without ever having to work again. Real Financial Freedom.
I believe you can acquire no greater skillset than to sell options for income any time you want.
This is one of the most significant ways for ordinary people to succeed in the options market, especially when you learn how to put the odds in your favor when using probabilities, as I teach.
While most investors are crawling into a foxhole with a "wait and see" mentality, we will be actively looking to make money during the recession and show you how to do the same πŸ’₯
Outside this group, change is almost always seen as negative, and stagnation is interpreted as "stability."
In the options market change is inevitable, and you need to be good with that fact.
Rest assured, our focus will be on expansion, not contraction!
After creating your profile with a picture and a short bio about yourself, please comment below introducing yourself. Tell us:
  1. Your name
  2. What's your #1 reason for being here.
I look forward to seeing you in the comments!
Jeff Ziegler
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Income Trader Alliance
This is mentorship community for forward thinking investors who want to master the art and science of trading options
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