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Cohort 2 - Weekly Zoom is happening in 32 minutes
Must Watch Video
I've been down for the past couple of weeks and have had a lot of time to think about how I could help you make more income and refine your skills as a technical trader, making you a better spread trader. Anyway, I found this training video I made back in Feb 2012. YES, over 12 years ago! It's a day trade on ES futures contract, and you'll like it. That is if you have an interest in making additional income. If you do, and this is open to the entire income trader alliance group, I'm going to put together some videos teaching you how to do this and, more importantly, get a funded account that you can trade. That means you risk someone else's money to trade, and you get to keep the lion's share of the profit. I would have done anything to have this type of account when I started. I was familiar with this, but never had an interest because I trade my own money. After researching this extensively over the past couple of weeks, I've decided to get a $250K account. More details are coming later today. Let me know what you think below.
New comment 18d ago
Must Watch Video
💥 $4000 - 8 Day SPX Bear Call Spread 💥
Yesterday the call options I sold on the SPX expired worthless, just what we like. I made a video showing why I took the trade. Off to a pretty good start for this next group. $7500 of income in two trades for July.
New comment May 15
💥 $4000 - 8 Day SPX Bear Call Spread 💥
🚀 Start Here 🚀
Hello! Welcome to the Income Traders Alliance. I'm glad you're here. This community is committed to one primary outcome: to set you up so you can have an income for life without ever having to work again. Real Financial Freedom. I believe you can acquire no greater skillset than to sell options for income any time you want. This is one of the most significant ways for ordinary people to succeed in the options market, especially when you learn how to put the odds in your favor when using probabilities, as I teach. While most investors are crawling into a foxhole with a "wait and see" mentality, we will be actively looking to make money during the recession and show you how to do the same 💥 Outside this group, change is almost always seen as negative, and stagnation is interpreted as "stability." In the options market change is inevitable, and you need to be good with that fact. Rest assured, our focus will be on expansion, not contraction! After creating your profile with a picture and a short bio about yourself, please comment below introducing yourself. Tell us: 1. Your name 2. What's your #1 reason for being here. I look forward to seeing you in the comments!
New comment 21d ago
🚀  Start Here 🚀
Just jumped into paper trading! Made $962!
Just jumped into paper trading! I am a total newbie to futures and loving ability to trade after hours! So, I just started real paper trading two days ago and just forced myself to start taking trades, with only 1 contract at a time. But I was watching it and got in out of trades within an hour or two. I was learning a lot by just watching the market and seeing where things were going (the day before I tried a few my first time on paper with lame positions and was down about $300 but just took the trades to practice). Yesterday focused on trading for the afternoon and evening and wow there is so much truth to pushing those buttons and learning along the way (2nd day of paper) and made $962 last night!!! I entered one trade at 12:30am and in 30 minutes made $600 on 2 contracts, sweet! Oh yeah, I did what Jeff taught us to and the day before I went live with paper trading (3 days ago), I invested about 10 hours and looked at the last 2 weeks of trades and found 13 trades over 7 days that if I would have entered and exited on only one contract, I would have made $17,757 (give or take what would have been real with decisions being different not knowing where it would go)! That really taught me a lot thought just to look at the math and the charts. I mapped out the entry and exit points and charted them on the graph so I could be clear on what I was looking at. And put all the math next to the chart. Then felt confident to start paper trading 2 days ago. Thank you, Jeff for showing us these amazing futures, so our future is secure!!! It is my goal to be skilled enough to go after the $250k in the next 4 weeks (would be sooner but I have my next 6 TV shows to write and film at Yosemite National Forest in CA in two weeks, so that must be my #1 priority and #2 is futures - which is funding the TV show production on National TV!). Let’s do this! Our future is SO bright, we gotta wear shades!!! We are all going to crush this together!!! Thank you Jeff for being an amazing teacher and leader and thanks Roy for firing us all up!!!
New comment 53m ago
Just jumped into paper trading! Made $962!
Zoom Links
Where can i go to find the zoom call links for No One Left Behind?
New comment 2h ago
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Income Trader Alliance
This is mentorship community for forward thinking investors who want to master the art and science of trading options
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