What is the real solution to being free from lust which is sin?
  1. How do we become free from Lust?
First, you must acknowledge who you are as a person currently speaking to those who have not been born again. Jesus makes it very clear that unless a man is born again he shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Any man who worked iniquity God the Son does not know nor the Father will acknowledge. Those the Son does not know will be judged according to their sins by God the Father.
How does someone stop sinning and working iniquity in the sight of God?
First, you must deny yourself and pick up your cross. You must ask the Holy Spirit to teach you all things of Jesus and come to the point of being dead to sin. Ask Jesus to put to death your old man aka the Sin Nature and be raised from the dead being free from all sin. Living sinless both in this life and preserved blameless in the next.
How does one have a relationship with Jesus?
The relationship starts with hearing the gospel and then accepting the Holy Spirit to teach and lead you. The Holy Spirit will direct you to the Cross and you will learn of Jesus. God will cause you to do His will. You can not be set free by your efforts. It is Christ that does a service for you. How? He is the Lamb that is the sacrifice, The High Priest, and the one that can Reconcile you with the Father. The Only One that Abides in the Father and Father in Him.
2. How do we live free from Lust?
Once you are dead to sin you will no longer be bound to sin. You will live freely and be able to do all things God will cause you to at all times. God the Father and Son will come in and rein in you. But you have to stop believing in self-will and rely completely on Jesus. We are to rest in the finished work of the Cross that Jesus died on for our sins so that we may have eternal life through Him.
3. How do we teach others to live free from Lust?
We teach others once we have been born again and learned the teaching of Jesus. A relationship must be established. A process must happen before one can be born again. Lust is not the root it is the fruit that is produced from the sin nature which is part of the old man. You can only die once to sin and be born again living free from sin once.
Antonio Perez
What is the real solution to being free from lust which is sin?
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