The answer to the Root cause of Lust
I have been gone from this platform of many brothers, but I'm back and I have much to share.
  1. What is Lust?
  2. Why do we Lust?
  3. How do we become free from Lust?
  4. How do we live free from Lust?
  5. How do we teach others to live free from Lust?
Here's my contact information for any questions:
Facebook: Antonio Perez
We can chat about anything about God as long as you understand what I'm talking about and teaching only about the Word. How to be set free and live in Truth is the goal. But also fellowship and that's communion with your brothers.
These 5 questions are extremely important because the Word of God aka the Holy Bible clearly states how do we overcome sin. However, we must understand it is not man's will to overcome sin but it is the will of God the Father. That's why man fails and can't win. The answer is Christ being crucified that blood be shed to set you free from lust and living free is Him risen and dwelling in you to keep you from lusting. I will make each question into subjects to help all brothers understand and be able to teach what the answers are to these questions. But above all how does a man not lust after the flesh and walk free and live in the Spirit is the real question. Remember brothers lust is not the main problem in a believer's life, it's sin. Lust is sin, sin is death, and separation from God. I will use many scripture to make sure everything is lining up according to God's word for the believer. Remember God has a promise He gave and profiled it. But this promise is for those that believe and remember if you do not believe then you get nothing. Faith is the only way to receive. By His grace, we receive anything that is of God. It's in His will that we be in His likeness and not be workers of iniquity, lusting after the flesh, and many other things like being anything unholy, unclean, impure, defile, abominable, and more.
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Antonio Perez
The answer to the Root cause of Lust
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