? Your own 1 product website?
Ever have an insane desire to create an entire website about just 1 product, say, Dollar Shave or CrateJoy Subscription Boxes or the like?
Ever then sprout 953 more grey hairs when you realize that such website templates can be a weeeeeee bit difficult to find?
Well! Have no fear because
shows you not 1, not 2, but 27 one product websites that you can use for inspiration!
And you know, inspiration can be quite wonderful because you can think to yourself:
"Jeepers self, I wonder if that site was bulit on Wordpress and if so, what theme does it use?"
Panic no more, my intrepid readers, for coming to your rescue is:
which will tell you what theme a WP site is using AND what plugins are (wait for it) plugged in as well!
Heck, you can enter https://www.cratejoy.com/ and then discover:
"Unfortunately www.cratejoy.com is not using WordPress or it is heavily modified to hide that it is using WordPress."
Well! Humph! How rude it is for sites to use something OTHER than WP so you can scout out its inner workings fast! (OK true, we could always right click and view source and then realize it's a Shopify template built with Wordpress - the profusion of the word "Shopify" like so:
"...var Shopify = Shopify || {};
Shopify.locale = "en";
Shopify.currency = {"active":"USD","rate":"1.0"};
Shopify.theme = {"name":"production","id":138602774825,"theme_store_id":null,"role":"main"};
Shopify.theme.handle = "null";
Shopify.theme.style = {"id":null,"handle":null};
Shopify.cdnHost = "www.cratejoy.com/cdn";
Shopify.routes = Shopify.routes || {};
Shopify.routes.root = "/";<"
well, said profusion kinda sorta gives it away, but I digress).
Never forget - Viewing the source on any webpage online really can provide immense amounts of crucial info that *you* can use when you finally create *your* website.
As will discovering what themes or plugins a Wordpress site uses.
Barb Ling
? Your own 1 product website?
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