How sleep effects our mind🧠
So I do cold plunges everyday without exception. The key thing is that I noticed the difference how I feel through the experience (before; while doing it; and after).
If I didn't sleep enough, or I was hungover because of drinking the day before (I prefer not to drink anymore), I noticed the effect how my mind was thinking. At these days I had the biggest resistance of doing the plunge.
My mind was on for finding excuses. But I just turned it off completely (if you meditate you know what I'm talking about) and went in. So when being inside all I tried to do was to shut down this thoughts. And when my timer went off then I jumped out as fast as possible😆.
Contrary the days when I sleep well and am well rested I really enjoy being in there. I had no problem with going inside, embracing the feeling, and leaving the tub withouth rushing.
This led me to a bigger factor - sleep and our brain😴🧠. How it impacts us on our daily choices.
I also had the same experience with nicotine🚬.
After optimising my brain I didn't have the need to smoke anymore.
I focus now on brain optimisation, so it will actually make me better not worse.
If we neglect our brain we will make bad decisions which forms our habits and effects our future.
Alen Cvetko
How sleep effects our mind🧠
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