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Getting to be the a dad
So I have to brag about a win and a hilarious moment that I legitimately can’t make up. So I used to be a full blown alcoholic and now by gods help my family and friends getting my back I’ve been sober over 5 years. But this isn’t about that just sitting the story. I was never there for my kids I worked and provided and then drank. I have four kids and three got to see me on the journey of my selfishness. My second daughter almost 14 we’ve gotten close we hang out we talk about god we talk about life and the options and choices we have. She got to go to her first dance and was so excited. I messed with her about going as her date or chaperone. She wasn’t having it at all it was fun. But on the way to the dance she’s all dressed up looks beautiful and the song fathers take care of your daughters came on. I was like seriously right now. Man what a great moment I broke down I absolutely cried and enjoyed it every second. It broke my heart because of time waisted but also that I was present and have turned that relationship around. After we dropped her off god just spoke to me I cried more and was so grateful to have this second chance. Sorry this is long and winded and whatever. But had to share I wouldn’t trade that moment for anything. And guys struggling with addiction or just being a dad. We can do this we need to do this they and they need us.
New comment 18h ago
Song I wrote called “Rise From The Ashes” !
New comment 18h ago
Song I wrote called “Rise From The Ashes” !
Executing the Vision
I shared this on LinkedIn, I'll share it with this community as well: I paired my Fitness + Faith strategies of my Vision to complete my second Ironman 70.3 while saving kids with a foundation my church started. Race Recap here. Funds raised to help save children: $1,897 and counting... Do the hard work - Be your best self - Serve others well - Leave people/places/things better than you found them - For His glory.
New comment 4d ago
Executing the Vision
Mini bulk has came to an end and now I’m 6 weeks out for my first bodybuilding show.
New comment 7d ago
#2 Win
I’m back Offshore Baby! Investing in Myself and moving on up in the world.🤘🏼
#2 Win
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