Cyber, Tech & Life by Huntrix
Private group
2 members
Huntrix is an information security startup company that specializes in professional penetration testing services.
Huntrix was born from the idea of creating a unique community that focuses on long-time horizons. Our vision for this idea has led us to seek growth in our community first. This has led us to skool, where we can create a community around cyber security while having the flexibility to connect beyond that.
Here are some of the things you can enjoy by being part of our community:
šŸ‘¾ Free High-Quality Education for Cybersecurity
šŸ‘¾ Cybersecurity of all Things (Memes, Conferences, News, etc)
šŸ‘¾ Hacking/Pentesting Techniques, Tools, Tutorials, Remediation Guides, etc
šŸ‘¾ The Business of Tech and Cyber
šŸ‘¾ And many more...!
If you are any of the following, we want to connect with you:
  • Cyber enthusiast
  • Tech or security professional (devs, engineers, IT, etc.)
  • Business owner or entrepreneur that cares about cybersecurity
  • Trying to learn more and break into cyber
Privacy and terms
Cyber, Tech & Life by Huntrix
A community around cyber security, tech & life for beginners, professionals and business individuals to learn and grow together!
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