Fall Turkey Hunting to a Surprising Deer Encounter!
As the crisp autumn air envelops the landscape, seasoned hunters gear up for one of the most thrilling times of the year, fall turkey hunting! The vibrant foliage and the promise of a successful hunt draw many into the woods, eager to embrace the challenge! However, nature has a way of keeping us on our toes, and sometimes, the hunt takes an unexpected turn……..
As I patiently wait, the anticipation builds. Thoughts of a delicious Thanksgiving feast dance in my mind, but little did I know that the day was about to unfold differently than planned.
Just as I was perfecting my turkey call, movement in the underbrush catches my attention. I turn slowly, heart racing, expecting to see a flock of turkeys. Instead, a beautiful doe and her fawn emerge from the thicket, gracefully stepping into my line of sight—only ten yards away!
In that moment, the serenity of the woods envelops me. The sight of these gentle creatures is captivating, their innocence and grace a stark contrast to the hunting mindset I had just moments ago. As they nibble on the tender leaves, I realize that the hunt has shifted gears.
As a seasoned hunter, the presence of the doe and fawn ignites a primal instinct within me. The thought of a buck whitetail lurking nearby crosses my mind.
Could this be an opportunity to switch my focus from turkey to deer?
In Native American traditions, every encounter in nature holds significance. The presence of the doe symbolizes fertility and nurturing, while the fawn represents innocence. In that moment, I felt a connection to the land and its creatures—a reminder of the delicate balance between hunter and hunted.
With the doe and fawn so close, I contemplated my options. Should I switch from my turkey hunt to a deer hunt? This decision was not taken lightly. Ethical hunting practices emphasize respect for wildlife and the environment. Observing the mother and fawn, I chose to appreciate the moment rather than disrupt it.
Instead of raising my weapon, I simply enjoyed the view. The thrill of the hunt transformed into a deep appreciation for the beauty of nature and the lessons it imparts.
As the doe and fawn wandered back into the forest, I returned my focus to the task at hand. While the turkeys remained elusive, the encounter was a reminder of the unpredictable nature of hunting.
In the spirit of Native Ways, I learned that every hunt is not just about the kill, but it’s about connection, respect, and the stories we gather along the way!
As the sun began to set, I packed away my gear, reflecting on the day’s unexpected turn. Whether it’s a turkey or a deer, the real reward of hunting lies in the experiences we share with nature and the lessons it teaches us!
Fall turkey hunting can lead to many surprises, and the thrill of the hunt often lies in the unexpected. So, next time you head into the woods, be open to the possibilities that await you. You never know when a simple turkey hunt might turn into a memorable deer encounter, teaching you more about the wild and yourself in the process!
Happy hunting! 🦃🦌🌲
Pat Gatz
Fall Turkey Hunting to a Surprising Deer Encounter!
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