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Profile: 1/3 Type: Generator Authority: Sacral Copy the above and let's see what we all are :D
New comment Jun 13
Everything Generator
Hey everyone! I just uploaded an EPIC PDF on Generators! We've been getting LOADS of inquiries and if you have that Defined Sacral then this is basically a one-stop-shop for you to learn more about you through this center! Check it our and let's talk! SACRAL POWAAAA 🔥
New comment Jun 13
Everything Generator
FREE Human Design chart readings - 3 of 6 spots open
It's a big mission of ours at HPA to spread the knowledge of Human Design because, as we rise as individuals, our growth will be reflected in our communities and the collective consciousness continues to expand to create the change we all desire! In celebration of 250+ community members ... I am giving away 6x 22 min Human Design chart readings! Of course, if spots are full, anyone can attend to listen in to learn! To Participate: 1. Sign up: 2. Download your chart from 3. Send your chart to 4. MUST DO / PRELIMINARY REQUIREMENT Watch one of the videos in our Human Design 101 Classroom
New comment Jun 12
FREE Human Design chart readings - 3 of 6 spots open
Hey Team Gen and MG!!! We're getting a LOT of interest in our Human Design section. Thanks to @Diana Peterson, @Mani Chawla and @Lily Chan I am now encouraged to run a 2 hour "GENERATOR/MANI-GEN" Webinar where I will break down the "what it means to be a responder" and "why we get frustrated / what to do when we are"... As well as go through the different proclivities we have. Would y'all be interested in this? I'm thinking 1 hour of info, 1 hour of hot seat coaching / questions!!! Let me know in the comments what you want to learn about or questions you have!
9 members have voted
New comment Jun 12
Deconditioning = a happier life... here's how to start 👇
In our community call on Human Design today we chatted about the process of De-conditioning. 💡 The idea here is that we've all been conditioned by society, family, friends, etc to live our lives in certain ways, and often those ways don't really serve us. Most of us have been told to "go out there a get it!", or "hustle to build the project"... well, those two pieces of advice are only for two types within the Human Design system, an they aren't even the same type! There are so many Humans in the world living lives of frustration, anger, bitterness, and disappointment, resulting in depression, illness, and even death. And all of that is due to the simple fact that they have been conditioned to believe that that's the only way for them to live their lives. ⭐️ Human Design shows reveals a path to living life in alignment and true to your unique design — and along that path their is satisfaction, peace, success, and awe for yourself and all those involved. With the help of Human Design, you can learn to live into a Strategy and Inner Authority that serves you and allows you to live into your zone of genius. 👇 So how do you go about De-conditioning + living int your Design? 👇 1. First you must recognize the ways in which you've been conditioned. You can do this by writing out the beliefs you currently hold around how you think you're supposed to live your life (work, relationships, food, etc, etc, etc). 2. Read up on your Strategy + Authority based on your Human Design type and profile. 3. Read up on the 9 energy centers in Human Design, what they represent, and what it means when they are "defined" and "undefined" (See attached photos) 4. Start practicing and embodying your Strategy + Authority and see if it results in you more often being in your Self Theme Self / Not-Self Themes: - Pure Generator: Satisfaction / Frustration - Manifesting Generators: Satisfaction+Peace / Frustration+Anger - Manifestor: Peace / Anger - Projector: Success / Bitterness - Reflector: Awe-inspired / disappointed
New comment Jun 1
Deconditioning = a happier life... here's how to start 👇
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A community for those who are seeking holistic grow through the 5 pillars of human potential: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial.
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