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🚀💰$100M CEO explains: How to CREATE a $100,000,000 product..(Leaked Training)💵🚀🤙🏻🎤💧
If you’re new to my channel, my name is Alex Hormozi. I’m the founder and managing partner of It’s a family office, which is just a formal way of saying we invest our own money into companies. Our 10 portfolio companies bring in over $200,000,000+ per year. Our ownership stake varies between 20% and 100% of them. Given this is a YT channel, and anyone can claim anything, I’ll give you some stuff you can google to verify below. How I got here… 21: Graduated Vanderbilt in 3 years Magna Cum Laude, and took a fancy consulting job. 23 yrs old: Left my fancy consulting job to start a business (a gym). 24 yrs old: Opened 5 gym locations. 26 yrs old: Closed down 6th gym. Lost everything. 26 yrs old: Got back to launching gyms (launched 33). Then, lost everything for a 2nd time. 26 yrs old: In desperation, started licensing model as a hail mary. It worked. 27 yrs old: "Gym Launch" does $3M profit the next 6 months. Then $17M profit next 12 months. 28 yrs old: Started Prestige Labs. $20M the first year. 29 yrs old: Launched ALAN, a software company for agencies to work leads for customers. Scaled to $1.7mmo within 6 months. 31 yrs old: Sold 75% of UseAlan to a strategic buyer in an all stock deal. 31 yrs old: Sold 66% of Gym Launch & Prestige Labs at $46.2M valuation in all-cash deal to American Pacific Group. (you can google it) 31 yrs old: Started our family office We invest and scale companies using the $42M in distributions we had taken + the cash from the $46.2M exit. 32 yrs old: Started making free content showing how we grow companies to make real business education accessible to everyone (and) to attract business owners to invest or scale their businesses. 34 yrs old: I became co-owner of Skool to help the many people who want to start a business online do so. Today: Our portfolio now does $200M/yr between 10 companies. The largest doing $100M/yr the smallest doing $5M per year. Our ownership varies between 20% and 100% ownership of the companies. Many of them we invested in early and helped grow (which is how we make our money - not youtube videos).
New comment 2d ago
🚀💰$100M CEO explains: How to CREATE a $100,000,000 product..(Leaked Training)💵🚀🤙🏻🎤💧
I am not a big crypto guy never have been!!! There’s been a man who accurately predicted both an assassination attempt and President Trump’s term within weeks or days of the events. Now, he’s making another bold prediction: that a cryptocurrency called XRP (or Ripple) will soar from around $0.58 to over $10,000 in the coming months. I’m not saying this is guaranteed, but I’m willing to take a small risk. I’m planning to throw $50 into XRP—that would get me around 800 coins. If this prediction comes true and XRP reaches $10,000, those 800 coins could be worth around $8 million. I’m not sure if this is the real deal, but honestly, what’s $50 for the potential return of millions? My son already has 131 XRP coins, and if this prediction pans out, he could be looking at about $1.3 million. I also have a family member who invested $2,500 in XRP a year ago, and if the coin hits $10,000, that could turn into $35 million. At the end of the day, the choice is up to each of us—whether to believe or not. Here’s the video I’m referencing. Please everyone, I’d love to hear your thoughts! like I said a little disclaimer here at the end, I know nothing about crypto and I think that’s why I have a feeling in my heart that I’m going to do this the guy has predicted a lot of things look them up. He is a modern day profit with the things that he has gotten correct and I am not a crypto guy at all so I don’t know we’ll see. Or if it happens. I just found a second video though with multiple prophetic messages talking about this and the one guy died five years ago or six years ago and he brought up XRP in the second video for 2024 as a prophetic message from 2018 here is a link for a place where you can go to buy XRP coins because obviously I told you all I put $50 into this to see what would happen here is the link you gotta go to
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Brutally honest advice for Broke People
Let’s get real. If you’re broke and struggling, it’s because of a series of decisions you’ve made. That’s hard to hear, but it’s the truth. I’ve been there. It’s a vicious cycle, and you feel trapped. But there’s a way out—if you’re willing to do the hard work. It’s time for some tough love. 1. Stop Playing the Victim The world doesn’t owe you anything. No one’s coming to save you. Stop blaming your circumstances, your upbringing, or the economy. Those are obstacles, sure, but they’re not immovable. Successful people face the same or worse challenges and still find a way. The first step? Own your situation. You are where you are because of choices you’ve made. Now, let’s make different ones. 2. Kill the Excuses “I don’t have time.” “I don’t have the money.” “I don’t know how.” These are excuses. Everyone has 24 hours in a day. The difference between the successful and the broke is how you use that time. If you’re binge-watching Netflix or wasting hours on social media, then you do have time—you’re just spending it on the wrong things. 3. Get a Skill, Not a Job A minimum-wage job isn’t going to change your life. You need to learn a skill that’s in demand. I don’t care if you’re working two or three jobs to make ends meet—spend your spare time learning something that will increase your value in the marketplace. Coding, sales, marketing, real estate—find a skill that has a high ROI and go all in. 4. Work Like You’re Starving (Because You Are) This isn’t the time to take it easy. If you’re broke, you have to outwork everyone. This is the grind period. Sacrifice comfort for the hustle. Say goodbye to weekends and nights off. You’re in a hole, and climbing out is going to take relentless effort. If you’re not willing to put in that effort, stay broke. It’s that simple. 5. Surround Yourself with Winners Your circle is either pulling you up or dragging you down. If you’re hanging around with people who are broke and complaining all the time, you’re going to stay exactly where you are. Find people who are winning in life. Network. Learn from them. Success leaves clues. Follow those clues and replicate what they’re doing.
New comment 2d ago
Brutally honest advice for Broke People
🚀 How to get so rich you question the meaning of making money🚀
At some point, accumulating wealth stops being about the money itself and becomes something much deeper. Here’s what I’ve learned, especially in the context of buying businesses and scaling, like Alex Hormozi talks about: 1. Value Creation > Profit True wealth comes from creating something that solves problems and delivers massive value. Once your businesses generate consistent income, you start to wonder: What’s the point of just making more money? At this stage, it’s about the impact you’re making, not the dollar signs. 2. Scaling & Acquisitions Buying companies, scaling them, and adding value can accelerate your wealth. But the process teaches you that money is a byproduct of building something meaningful, not the end goal. 3. Leverage Systems, Not Time As you build more wealth, it becomes less about trading time for money and more about leveraging systems, people, and resources. When your businesses run like machines, generating wealth without you being involved daily, it forces a new question: Why am I still doing this? 4. Purpose Beyond Profit After reaching a certain level of financial security, the real driver shifts from money to legacy. It’s not about making more for the sake of it—it’s about creating lasting impact, helping others succeed, or reshaping industries. The richest people often realize that money is just a tool. What truly matters is how you use it to make a difference in the world. 💡
New comment 3d ago
🚀 How to get so rich you question the meaning of making money🚀
Client Bought Their Pastor A CAR....🤯 after 80k MONTH [FULL BREAKDOWN]
Brandon Forbes thank you for this incredible video and post and for any of you that don’t know him out there. Look him up. The guy is like absolutely a super stud. Yo, this is CRAZY 🤯 Just a few months back, Jack (one of my clients) met up with Tyler (another client of mine) at some random coffee shop in Florida, and boom—they hit it off. Turns out, they both vibe on the same things: faith 🙏, fitness 💪, finances 💰, you name it. So, Tyler—who’s a fitness coach—jumped into my program. Dude went from making 5k a month in his coaching business to hitting 30k 🚀 When he joined, he was kinda stuck between becoming a chemist 🧪 or just saying "screw it" and going all-in on his business. But Tyler’s not even the main character in this story... See, Tyler and Jack got talking, and Jack started seeing all the success Tyler was having 👀. Now, Jack was already killing it in his career, making a solid 150k a year... but something was missing, you know? He just wasn’t feeling it. So, Jack decided to take a leap of faith and join our coaching program. And now here I am, writing this email to let you know that last month, Jack pulled in EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS in sales 💵 But here's the wildest part... He went and BOUGHT HIS PASTOR A CAR 🚗. So, if you've been believing for MORE in your business and want to make a bigger impact, I highly encourage you to take 10 minutes and check out this video 🎥. You won’t regret it. ⚡ YO! Just a heads up – while these testimonials are inspiring, I want to be crystal clear: I can't guarantee you'll achieve the exact same results. Success depends on your individual effort, dedication, and your unique business situation. I'm here to share valuable insights, but I don't promise specific outcomes.
New comment 4d ago
Client Bought Their Pastor A CAR....🤯 after 80k MONTH [FULL BREAKDOWN]
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