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Q&A / Hangout is happening in 6 days
Welcome! Introduce yourself + share a pic of your work rig πŸŽ‰
Let's get to know each other! Comment below sharing where you are in Arizona, your trade, a photo of your work rig, and something you like to do for fun. 😊
Welcome! Introduce yourself + share a pic of your work rig πŸŽ‰
Rules of the Road for Lead Sharing
Welcome to the lead sharing forum! Often in the home services, your customers ask you for referrals for other trades people or home services. Sometimes you have someone to refer out but oftentimes not. These are leads and instead of letting them die on the vine you can share them here and choose who to give the lead to. Rules for listing your lead: 1. Describe the lead in as much detail as humanly possible, what type of job is it (plumbing, electrical, landscaping, roofing, etc), then describe the work that needs to be done. 2. List the name of the city/location (not your customers address) 3. Add photos if applicable 4. How many people you will share the lead with (one is fine but maybe for a big kitchen remodel it makes more sense for three people to contact the customer) That's it! Any other member of the group can then respond to the post if they are interested. The person who is sharing the lead can then choose as many people they'd like and send the contact information for the lead via direct message. Do not put the lead/customer name in the post reply please.
Bookkeeping spreadsheet
Hey all! I just added this page to the Foundational Course that has a free spreadsheet to track your expenses and income along with a video walkthrough. I'm working on a full course on how to set up Wave Accounting but if you need something simple and free the spreadsheet is something you can easily hand to your accountant at tax time. PS - In general you should always know the ins and outs of where your money is going so you understand the health of your business!
Happy 4th!
I hope all of you have a great Independence Day holiday and are spending it in whatever way makes you happy!
Happy 4th!
Currently trying to get handyman business up and running
Hi all! I wanted to share this because we're going through it right now. πŸ˜… My husband and I moved to AZ from WA State a little over two years ago. He started his handyman business in San Tan Valley in July of 2022 and we were able to get him to work full time within a couple of weeks. He has a website and all of the marketing tools you need of course but to get him started we signed up for Yelp ads to the tune of $600 per month. Although that is crazy expensive it worked for us and we continued to pay for ads for I'd say six months, each month we'd dial it down until he didn't need to advertise any longer. BUT we recently moved north up to Paulden and we're trying to go about this differently and not give Yelp anymore of our money. So far we have put up yard signs in Prescott....he's only been able to find good spots for three signs and he's gotten two calls so far after a week. Not terrible! I asked our pest control guy in San Tan how he advertises and he told me the only thing that has ever worked for him was signs so we thought we'd give it a try. He also researched property managers in our area and went to seven of them the past two days, introduced himself and gave them his contact, insurance, W9, web and socials. So far three or four of them have send him vendor packets to get on their vendor list. Lastly we are advertising in the local AZ Values publication that goes out monthly. It was $225 for a 1/4 page ad for I believe three cities around us, a hell of a lot cheaper than Yelp. :) It comes out next week so we're hoping for some good activity from that. I'll let you know how it goes as we continue to try to build his business and please comment if you have any tips or ideas!
New comment 7d ago
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