Flourish Over 40 💜
Private group
51 members
💜 Welcome to Flourish Over 40, where we're dedicated to helping spiritual women over 40 FLOURISH in love and life. Are you ready to go from feeling stuck & single to happy & healthy IN LOVE? Want to flourish in your love life/relationship & health? If you answered yes, then this mindfulness & manifestation learning community is for you.
Inside you'll have a step-by-step roadmap AND learn a secret mindfulness & manifestation formula that will help you:
🌟get unstuck
🌟have more confidence & self-love
🌟reduce stress & worries
🌟manifest a healthy & loving relationship
🌟improve your health/weight/movement/drinking or eating habits
Also Includes:
✅ Monthly manifestation themes
✅ Live weekly workshops & relationship/dating/health coaching
✅ An inclusive/supportive community of women over 40 on the same journey as you
Ready to FEEL darn good and FLOURISH in LOVE & LIFE?
Join us now! Lock in your FREE access.
1️⃣ Click JOIN GROUP button
2️⃣ Answer ALL questions
See you inside,
Lise 💜
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Flourish Over 40 💜
For Women over 40 who want to have inner peace, more confidence, a loving ❤️relationship & to FLOURISH using mindfulness, meditation & manifestation.
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