We're Ranked 513 on SKOOL πŸ₯³
Out of 132,000+ groups, we're ranked #513 on Skool! πŸ₯³
And we're only 22 days old and only have 120 members...
Thanking all of you for making this a πŸ”₯ group already!
Wait until we're a few months old and we have thousands of members!
There's a huge opportunity for the most engaged groups to grow the fastest, because of the ranking algorithm in Discovery.
When you follow my methods for structuring your group, you can absolutely crush it!
Brian Campbell
We're Ranked 513 on SKOOL πŸ₯³
Skool for High Ticket Experts
Our #1 Goal is to Give You Mindset, Training & SUPPORT to close your next high ticket client, selling Coaching & Services ($3,000 and above).
Leaderboard (30-day)
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