Welcome to Our NEW Community!
Welcome to our New Skool Community, "Skool for High Ticket Experts!"
I've got a LOT planned to make this the BEST community in the High Ticket Industry. If you've been in my communities in the past on other platforms, you already know this will be good...
And if you're just discovering me here on Skool, then you'll quickly learn this isn't just a fancy "funnel" in disguise. It's a real community designed to educate, inspire and support you.
This community isn't meant to be a PROMO-FEST, but it's also not meant for you to keep your offers a secret. If you spend time here, you will probably get clients because we are a community of ACTION TAKERS!
What's NOT Acceptable:
❌ Don't DM ANYONE unless you've had conversations with them for at least a week (build relationships first).
👆 COLD DMing anyone in this group without first knowing them will result in a warning, then a permanent ban.
What's totally Cool:
🤙 Wait until you're at level 3 and then feel free to explain how you help people professionally in the "About You Category."
🤙 We're your family, so don't "pitch us" ~ tell us how you can help us. Keep it soft, present it in a way that you'd present it to your cousin or your sister...don't treat us like strangers, because we're family!
🤙 You can also post your offer and ask for feedback. This way members can help give suggestions to improve your offer 🤩 and if anyone sees that it can help them, they may just buy it from you 🤩.
🤙 BEST PRACTICE: Drop your value posts in the community that deliver so much value that your ideal clients will ask to work with you (this is something you should be doing on social media anyway).
👆 If you're not sure about HOW to do THAT...then hang in this community for a little while, and you'll learn how to have ideal clients reaching out and asking to work with you, WITHOUT even making an offer...it's what I will teach you here 😉
The intention for this community is to be more like a mastermind. Some people will end up getting clients naturally. Just don't force it.
Skool for High Ticket Experts is a Free Community Dedicated to Helping You Reach $20K months selling high ticket offers.
This is an ACTIVE community designed to elevate your mindset, give practical strategies, and connect with people that CARE about YOUR SUCCESS, hitting $20K months, so you can scale to millions.
If the next step on your path to millions is hitting $20K in sales every month, then I’ve created these exclusive resources for free to help you attain your next level of business growth:
✨ High Ticket Training unlocks at every level (watch video above 👆)
✨ Free workshops, networking events throughout the month.
✨ Weekly Mindset Training to think like a multi-millionaire (so you become one)
✨ Elite $20K Mastermind (free for all Level 7 members)
✨ Monthly Leaderboard Topper Award for our most active members!
Are you EXCITED to be HERE?
Drop an Empoji or short comment below to express your excitement, hopes or dreams for this community because JOY is CONTAGIOUS. Drop your comment to become INFECTIOUS with JOY 👇
Brian Campbell
Welcome to Our NEW Community!
Skool for High Ticket Experts
Our #1 Goal is to Give You Mindset, Training & SUPPORT to close your next high ticket client, selling Coaching & Services ($3,000 and above).
Leaderboard (30-day)
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