Mindset game to millionaire
Aloha guys, hope you finished the goated module
insights I learned - you will never escape the loop until you change your limiting beliefs of the below 7
1. I will save money if I do it myself.
2. Let me shop around for the best price.
3. I can't afford it
4. Nobody can do it as good as me
5. What can I do to earn more money?
6. I am smart enough to figure it out
7. How am I going to manage this
Man, I fall into first 4th one again and again, it's sneaky one, in my eyes it trigger the other limitation belief directly or indirectly.
If I need to fix one from the list, I choose : I can't afford
What will you be your pick if you can change only one from the list and you have to change all the limitation belief ?
Pick only one damn thing if changed your life gets smooth silky soft like eating chocolate
Hemanth Kumar Alwar
Mindset game to millionaire
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