How's your self-talk?
Hello, my friends! 😎
Hope you had a relaxing weekend!
This topic popped in this morning to talk about. While uplifting self-talk is extremely important for everyone, as entrepreneurs who are here to change the world for the better, it is SO important to monitor the words we're saying about ourselves because we emit that energy to the people we interact with.
Have you ever met with someone who put off a "bad vibe" yet was trying to convince you to buy their services or product?
Knowing all of this, one of the HUGE things I transformed in the past 7 years in particular was my self-talk. I was SOOOO unkind to myself!
And usually we aren't even aware of it until we ARE. Maybe you've had someone say, "Gee, you really need to be nicer to yourself!"
Maybe you hear your "ego self" call you names?
When I used to make mistakes, I'd say something like, "You dumba$$!!" - or some other unkind word.
Anyone relate? 😢
Let's play a game. In the comments, write 3 POSITIVE, affirming words about yourself that you believe, or you've been told, and/or you would LIKE to believe! (You don't have to tell us which category the words fall in, so it is okay to be vulnerable. We won't know!)
THEN - comment on everyone else's comments with something like - YES YOU ARE!
Let's spread some positivity and uplift people who need it but won't ask for help. Are you game? 😀
I'll start! 😀
Chanin Zellner
How's your self-talk?
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