How I meet wonderful people and you can too
When I clicked the ICON ICON, magic started to take place in my life
  • I meet wonderful kind people
  • I got expert feedback
  • I got support by like minded people
  • I found other awesome community
  • I got tons of resources to fuel myself
  • I even endedup as top 5 in leaderboard
11 days back I never expected any of this would happen
I even thought of quitting the chess coaching field and migrating to be a ghostwriter and preparing for it.
I have been wondering all time, is my ikigai is being ghostwriter, no but my pure intention is to hang out with high value people.
Because I heard of "You are the average of 5 people you hang out with" and heard stories of people changing to a great extent.
I tried many platform even linkedin. it failed
But SKOOL is different.
At the same time I need to learn more about offers and marketing.
I encountered this community while searching on skool
One of my greatest blessing to meet you in my life
I heard of these in the past
- Network is Networth
- You are the average of 5 people you hang out with.
But what's HIDDEN sauce is
Positive Person Attracts Positive Person.
I have seen brian brain's light enough to blind hamster.😎
That light introduced hamster to many awesome people who share their light in their own way like
And other awesome community
The main core concept of hashtargeting in it's essence is relationship building like friend.
Who will refuse to give money for the friend who says I can change your life problem at cost of some money.
Brian talk deep about this in Hashtargeting module, Go freaking watch it guys if you haven't watched yet, it's mind blowing. This is small sneak preview of what you get inside it
How to talk humans in a weirdest way ( opposite to majority of sleazy salesy guys ) and make your IDEAL CLIENT ask "CASH OR CHECK" VOLUNTARILY with out being boomer who gives advice as he soon as he open his mouth ( simply me 🀣 ) and torture every one only with his pov and fear of losing the only one poor client in front of him?
Man I am always learning something beyond from you.
Brian remind me
If you walk the talk and talk the walk you will always be blessed with fortune.
Brian taught me
Heart and Hashtargeting is SECRET sauce for FINDING POSITIVE IDEAL PERSON who can change your life.
I learned so many lesson from the these awesome people and community.
Only person who STOPS YOU before everyone else is YOURSELF in networking and life.
Hemanth Kumar Alwar
How I meet wonderful people and you can too
Skool for High Ticket Experts
Our #1 Goal is to Give You Mindset, Training & SUPPORT to close your next high ticket client, selling Coaching & Services ($3,000 and above).
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