30d ago (edited) in Mindset
Clarity on YOUR Sales Goals for Next 30 Days.
My #1 Goal for EVERY member of this group is to hit $20K months selling your high ticket offers ($5K to $10K per client).
For some of you, it's around the corner and achievable within the next 30 days.
Some of you might consider a goal of $10K in the next 30 days.
And for others, making your NEXT high ticket PIF client would be the most exciting thing in the world.
If the GOAL isn't YOURS...and if you don't BELIEVE...it's probably not gonna happen.
So let's get clear on what your GOAL is for 30 days from now, in terms of sales of your offers.
What's your stretch goal (a little beyond what you've done before, but still believable)?
Tip: A good stretch goal is anywhere from 25% to 100% more than your average sales in the last 3 months.
Another good stretch goal is to top your BEST month.
Most importantly, your stretch goal should excite you if you hit it!
DECLARE your stretch goal below in the comments ๐Ÿ‘‡ & let's determine your fastest path to attaining it...
Brian Campbell
Clarity on YOUR Sales Goals for Next 30 Days.
Skool for High Ticket Experts
Our #1 Goal is to Give You Mindset, Training & SUPPORT to close your next high ticket client, selling Coaching & Services ($3,000 and above).
Leaderboard (30-day)
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