High Note Academy
Private group
7 members
$99 /month
Welcome to the High Note Performance Academy!
We're focused on moving you further and further towards the performance side of the spectrum, and helping you stay there.
Phase 1: Learn
✅Neurology 101 - Harnessing your most powerful performance secret - your brain!
✅Learning how to listen to your brain, and when to ignore it
✅What Pain actually means and how to take advantage of it
✅How your brain and body work together to give you feedback if you know what to look and listen for
Phase 2: Walk
✅Start finding the high payoff drills that make your brain happy, even if you don't feel it
✅Applying fitness and nutrition for singing, and the things we need to avoid
✅How to treat yourself like a singing athlete
Phase 3: Run
✅Build consistency in your vocal and physical health practices
✅Become an iron singer - never miss another performance again
✅Love your body and create an impact the moment you step on stage
Become the vocal athlete that companies want to hire over and over!
High Note Academy
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