Hifdh Revolution
Private group
100 members
$5 /month
Book a 1:1 call and ask me anything ➝ https://calendly.com/ibrahim_97/hifdh-revolution
3 yrs ago I decided to stop procrastinating on my Hifdh dreams.
I had 2 goals - Become a top level Hafidh and spend only 5 mins/day doing it.
Book a discovery call and find out how to start your own 5-min Hifdh journey.
Procrastinating on restarting your Hifdh Journey?
↳ Not motivated enough?
↳ Not enough time?
↳ Stuck/confused?
Welcome to Hifdh Revolution!
↳ Cognitive Training applied for effective Hifdh.
↳ Hifdh done in a meaningful and realistic way.
↳ Hifdh for the busy dads and professionals.
Train to rewire your brain
↳ Learn to Focus on demand.
↳ Memorize more effectively.
↳ Understand more deeply.
Are you ready to rewire your brain?
And become a top tier Hafidh?
Let me show you exactly how.
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