Write something
This is cute.
Matthew Ormond
New comment Dec '24
From my Instagram friends at MoveU. ⚡️
An important distinction
What is the difference between the traditional medical approach and a Holistic approach? Traditional medicine waits for the crisis.
Luke Palmer
Matthew Ormond
New comment Nov '24
The impact of emotional events can be seen in blood work.
This topic is beginning to gain traction. Doctors have noted that nearly every onset of autoimmune disease is proceeded by a traumatic event.
The unconscious mind validates beliefs.
What does that mean? This is one of the most profound breakthroughs of my 20+ years learning and practicing the science of chiropractic. The unconscious mind doesn’t judge beliefs, it just validates them. We have within us beliefs and identities, some from childhood, that are still actively influencing our decisions, behaviors and our physiology. These beliefs can be either positive or negative. This is happening without our conscious awareness. Yet the unconscious mind is at the root of chronic disease and chronic health issue. While I’ve grown in my mastery and in my ability to find these in those I am privileged to work with, I am equally susceptible to this phenomenon. It’s time we examine our beliefs and decide whether a particular belief serves us or not. I imagine you’ve done this from time to time. Perhaps you’ve shifted your beliefs around money or beliefs around relationships. We’ve all shifted and developed new versions of ourselves (identities) as we gain experience and knowledge. As I have sought to learn tools and learn principles to help the body heal, I am fascinated by the profound ways beliefs and identities govern our physiology. It’s not simply deciding to have a positive mindset. While that is certainly a start, it goes much further than that. What are your thoughts? Would you be interested in more insights on this topic?
Interesting perspective on autoimmune. What do you think?
Strengthen your immune system this season and forever..
Matthew Ormond
New comment Nov '24
Strengthen your immune system this season and forever..
I am a Chiropractor
I am a chiropractor. That title means so much more than adjusting spines—it’s about aligning the body, mind, and spirit to unlock true healing. I’ve spent my life mastering the art and science of chiropractic care, yet my journey has been about much more than just technical skill. It’s rooted in my deep belief in the body’s incredible ability to heal itself when given the right care and attention. For a long time, I hesitated to fully own the title chiropractor. I didn’t want to be defined by a narrow scope, but today, I stand proudly in that identity. I am a chiropractor. Not a mere practitioner, but one who enables healing, a guide, and a partner in the journey towards whole-body wellness. My work is not about quick fixes or temporary relief—it’s about empowering people to rise above limitations, to thrive in health, and to access their full potential. That’s why I’m honored and privileged to begin the Heritage of Health Academy community. This is a space where we redefine what it means to truly heal, where we transcend labels and practices to get to the heart of human well-being. Together, with this extraordinary community, I’m excited to grow, collaborate, and expand what’s possible in the world of healing. Whether working with athletes, professionals, or those seeking a better quality of life, my purpose remains clear: to heal, uplift, and empower. I believe this aligns with many in this community. I look forward to the journey ahead with all of you—because together, we can elevate the very essence of what it means to be well.
Matthew Ormond
New comment Oct '24
Webinar tonight, 7pm pst: How To Thrive During Changing Seasons Click here to register
Matthew Ormond
New comment Oct '24
Attached file: Blueprint for Health
Thank you for those of you that attended our webinar last night. A special thanks to Daniel Douglas and Andrew Eng for sharing your knowledge and experience with us. I designed this word document to be a blueprint for thriving during the various seasons of our lives. I included the powerpoint pdf in case you wanted pictures. Let me know what you think.
Matthew Ormond
New comment Oct '24
Tonight at
My friend, and relationship expert, Alison Armstrong has a saying... “What if no one is misbehaving—including you?” What she's referring to is a man and woman in a committed relationship, which most of us know can be tricky territory at times. Sometimes we feel like one person isn't behaving the way they "should." But Alison says, "what if no one is misbehaving?" Alison's refreshing perspective can help shift how we approach relationships (and success), allowing all parties to feel valued and understood. Alison has dedicated her life to understanding the relationships between men and women, and we're partnering up on October 22nd to talk about how that fits in with the concept of growing our money, time and magic...because really, it's all connected.
Matthew Ormond
New comment Oct '24
Take a break, here's the big idea.
This simple yet effective strategy provides a quick burst of physical activity that can help regenerate your energy levels in a matter of moments. You'll discover how just a minute of the right movements can be more reinvigorating than a cup of coffee or an energy drink. The video explains the science behind why these physiological breaks work so well, drawing from research on active recovery and the body's natural energy cycles. You'll get step-by-step guidance on example exercises that are easy to do anywhere, without any special equipment required. By incorporating these 60-second physio breaks into your daily routine, you can overcome afternoon slumps, maintain high productivity levels, and feel more energized throughout your day. The video makes a compelling case for why this deceptively simple habit can have such a positive impact on your physical and mental well-being.
Matthew Ormond
New comment Oct '24
Take a break, here's the big idea.
Hope is good medicine.
Yesterday, I met with a 46-year-old patient who has endured six back surgeries since 2016. Her most recent surgery implanted a pain-modulating device, yet she continues to live with daily pain, chronic fatigue, and a deep sense of hopelessness. At this stage, her medical providers have offered pain management as the best option. As a holistic chiropractor, I’ve learned that the key question to ask is, “What else?” What else is going on? What else can be done? What else might help? This question has led me to profound insights. Early in my practice, I realized I wasn’t just treating symptoms like migraines or back pain—I was addressing the body’s inability to adapt to prolonged stress. Over the past 17+ years, I’ve refined my approach to help reset the body’s stress response. This patient has been trapped in a chronic fight-or-flight state for nearly a decade. By addressing her stress patterns and aligning body, mind, and spirit, she left her appointment with not just pain relief, but a renewed sense of hope. There is still follow-up work to do, but the biggest takeaway is that she now has hope for a future free from chronic pain. Hope, combined with the right knowledge and experience, is powerful medicine.
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