Welcome to The FREE PMDD Rehab Community
Imagine having a place where you can learn about PMDD, discover ways to feel better, and connect with people who truly understand what you're going through. That's exactly what this community is here for. You don't have to figure this out alone anymore.
What Makes This Space Different:
We focus on HEALING, not just DEALING. This isn't a space for venting without vision or complaining without action. While we honor your struggles, we focus on solutions. Every conversation, resource, and interaction is designed to move you forward on your healing journey.
Inside Our Community, You'll Find:
šš¼ Weekly Expert-Led Support Calls with Jes from Her Mood Mentor, NTP, NBHWC
šš¼ Evidence-Based Education & Resources
šš¼ Real-Time Community Support
šš¼ Practical Tools & Implementation Strategies
šš¼ Success Stories & Inspiration
šš¼ Proven Pathways to Healing
Remember: You are not your PMDD. You are not alone. And there is always hope for healing.