Private group
7 members
This Group Focuses on 3 Pillars:
💰 Revenue: Financial Well Being
🏋️‍♂️ Rigor: Physical Well Being
🤝 Relationships: Intrapersonal Well Being
It would be an honor to help you build a sturdy foundation in any and every area of life 🤞🏽
I'll Work Alongside You in building Sustainable Trading Plans, Workout Plans, Belief Systems, and Relationships.
What You'll Get:
✅ Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, Trading, Investing, Fitness, Nutrition, Relationships, and Networking
✅ The Heir's Archive with ALL valuable resources, pdfs, guides, etc. in one place
✅ Heir's Library with videos, courses, instructions, written form walkthroughs, etc.
✅ Technical Analysis & Fundamental Analysis
✅ Weekly Q&A for all questions and concerns
🎁Bonus: Exclusive Access to profitable traders
🎁Bonus: Personalized trading plans
🎁Bonus: Personal Feedback from Admins
🚧 Still Under Construction
♟️Life is Chess not Checkers
▪️Financial Literacy, Purposeful Living, and Self Mastery
▪️Abundance is Our Birthright
▪️The Way of the High Value Man
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