Health is Wealth
Private group
31 members
Welcome to Health is Wealth!
Eat better & get stronger with just two moves, twice a week, in 20 minutes.
What's inside:
➡️ Change your Food Environment course ($247 value)
➡️ Fuel to Feels Eating Ratio course (value $247)
➡️ Retrain your Eating Brain course (values $247)
➡️ Goodbye to Eating Rules & Restrictions course (value $247)
➡️ Stronger with 2 Moves Twice a Week course (value $247)
🎁 Bonus: Weekly Planning call w/ Peter (Normally sells for $497/mo)
🎁 Bonus: The 14-teener 2-week Fat Loss Kickstart plan (value $97)
🎁 Bonus: The Eat for Life food list and plan (value $97)
🎁 Bonus: Workouts, Weight tracking, and Walking tracking app (value $97/mo)
Total Value: $2023... First 50 members FREE!
After first 50 members, membership price goes up to $25/month! Cancel at ANY TIME!
After first 100 members, membership price goes up to FULL PRICE of $35/month!
Health is Wealth
S.I.M.P.L.E. tools for optimal health. Eat better & get stronger in less time and with a more flexible approach than you thought possible.
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