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Live Coaching with Dan is happening in 7 days
Speaking to people!
I messaged 10 people today! 10 may not seem like a lot but I never message anyone ever! So today I took a very uncomfortable leap and messaged 10 people I found in my “honey pot” this is huge move for me and felt good to take action on a step I was heavily avoiding and loathing! 🫣 Everyday I plan to add 10 more until I am at 100 then 200!
New comment 16h ago
Speaking to people!
Action Done! ✅ - Day 5 (Script, Film & Boost my Follow me Ad)
Done and done. This was awesome. For a moment I found myself thinking about all of the variables and then I realized, it's a draft copy to test and make improvements next time. So I scripted a framework, made it my own and posted the video to the 'gram. I have boosted it to see what happens and I am looking forward to making the adjustments after I see what comes back. Here's a link if anyone wants to see what I did: Ps. Is there a more cost-effective way of boosting ads than going through Apple in-store? I was charged an additional $15 for the service fee... 🤮 What do you guys do?
New comment 1d ago
Action Done! ✅ The Music Fit Method One Sheet 🎉
I enjoyed this whole process. It helped me organize and streamline all of my processes into one succinct document and really trim the fat! Thanks y'all.
New comment 2d ago
Action Done - Feedback Post
Just added a quick poll for feedback for an upcoming offer I have to my IG stories. For me those seem to get lots of engagement compared to my actual posts so I decided to add it on there instead of an actual post. Just posted and will share results by end of the day. I really enjoy that it takes the elephant out of the room by letting the potential volunteer know this is not a sales call and I will simply be asking a few questions. The simple ask at the end if they know of anyone who may benefit from it and if I launched it with the updates if they'd be interested in hearing more about it seems genuine.
Going through course ✔️! Feedback pls
Thank you for the amazing material @Dan Harrison and course for free.. going through with a fine tooth comb : strategy 1 : transformation post : I’d love feedback!!
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