One Thing that I don't understand is when coaches and consultants have a link tree in their bio with many many options, as the famous Marketer Dan Kennedy states. "a confused mind always says no". The idea of copywriting and Funnel building is to have the most streamlined and simple way to nurture someone to buy your product.
Solution? you should have MAX 1/2 links in your bio, one as a nurturing source so maybe a free community or free e-book (or Youtube if you have any), then one to your landing page to be nurtured by your VSL's and Testimonials etc.
Reason? The more POLARISING a decision is to make the EASIER it is to make. If someone says to you, pick any colour and you can only wear this one colour for the rest of your life it'd be hard to make a decision, But if someone said you can only wear black or grey for the rest of your life it's a lot easier to make that decision because ALL other variables for seeing the others as options have gone.
A funnel is made to guide someone simply and build enough trust along the way to get them to buy your product. Let me know if you've seen value in this post by leaving a like,comment or reply! Thanks