Private group
81 members
Harmony refers to the pleasing agreeable arrangement of different parts to create a pleasant sound peacefully. HarmonyX is here to help you create a state of order and irrational balance in your online business. We do this by focusing on three main factors of life:
  1. Wealth
  2. Health
  3. Relationships
Learn what SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO that unsuccessful people are unwilling to do!
We are ACTion Takers and visionaries going through the realm of marketers, entrepreneurship or aspriting to become one. We show you how to leverage yourself to monetize your online presence to increase your income.
Here's What You'll Get:
  • Introduction: Your Vision
  • Morning Routine
  • Evening Routine
  • Sleep Routine
  • Fitness Routine
  • Right Next ACTiONs Routines
  • Digital Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Faceless Marketing
  • Build Your Network
  • Memberships
  • Investing 101
  • Friendships
  • Rule of 100 Program
This is your gateway to building a better Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly Routines for lucrative possibilities and LASTING SUCCESS.
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Private group
Craving delicious success melody in your online business? The kind where everything just clicks? We help you find that irrational winning melody.
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