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Embrace the Grind
In 1 Peter 4, we’re reminded to persevere through challenges, living with purpose beyond our own desires. Running a small business, much like life, brings struggles that refine us. When setbacks come(losing a client, getting fired or not being able to complete a job), they aren’t failures—they're shaping you into a stronger leader. Just like in self-improvement, growth happens in discomfort. Stay committed to your purpose, serve others well, and know that every obstacle is building the foundation for your success. Keep pushing—you're being prepared for greater th ings!💪✅
Embrace the Challenge – Amor Fati
In the world of gutter cleaning and roofing, every day brings new obstacles—tough weather, long hours, and hard-to-reach places. But instead of resisting these challenges, embrace them. Amor Fati, a Stoic principle, teaches us to love our fate, to accept every hardship as an opportunity to grow. When you're up on that ladder or battling fatigue, or worried where your next job is coming from remember that these moments shape you. They test your resilience and make you stronger. The path to self-improvement isn’t smooth, but the struggle is what sharpens your skills and builds your character. Embrace the grind.
Romans 8:18
"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us" I heard this verse at church over the weekend, and it really gave me perspective. When life gets tough, when things feel unfair, or when nothing seems to be going right, it reminded me that the suffering we endure now is nothing compared to the glory that will one day be revealed to us. It’s a powerful reminder of the faith we need to have, trusting that we have a good God who is guiding us through this for a purpose. Even in hardship, we can push forward and rejoice, knowing there is hope for a better tomorrow.
New comment 9d ago
Get back up!
Let me tell you a story about a young man who uprooted his entire life to chase an opportunity in a new city. This young man felt like this was the moment that would change everything. After months of relentless hard work, sticking to his plan, and achieving his goals, he knew his life was just about to turn around. But then, out of nowhere, he was let go from that opportunity. The reasons were unclear, and almost overnight, he found himself in a dark, troubling place. This young man had bet almost everything on this move, and just as he was about to cash in, the casino pulled the plug. His hopes, dreams, and everything he had worked for — what seemed so close to greatness — were snatched away in an instant. Now, he faced two choices: He could let this defeat him, live a life of scarcity, and blame the world for his misfortune. Or, he could take responsibility, examine what went wrong, learn from his mistakes, and rise again, stronger and wiser. This young man chose the latter. He picked himself up, learned from the experience, and set out to chase the same opportunity — but this time in a different vehicle. If you haven’t figured it out yet, this story is about me. After selling my gutter cleaning business and moving to Houston, Texas, I was on the verge of earning nearly $40,000 in commissions. But right before it all came together, I was let go for no clear reason. So, welcome to this chapter of getting back up. Because, while we may get knocked down seven times, as long as we stand up eight, we'll get to where we’re meant to be. I want to hear your story too! Tell us below 👇
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Gutter Cleaner University
Gutter Cleaner U helps professionals master gutter cleaning, roofing, and personal growth with expert tips, business strategies, and leadership skills
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