Private group
32 members
$6 /month
Food is a necessity and you're lied to about what's in it, therefore are you free? Do you have freedom if that freedom is a lie? There will never be an end to your mental fogginess, depression, anxiety, getting sick 24/7, digestive problems, sleeping problems and so so many more until you fix what you are putting in your body. Your gut is your second brain. I have been able to predict people's actions before so well it was scary but not really, I was able to do it because I knew what food they were putting in their body on a day to day basis, better yet I knew what was in the food they put in their body. JUST READ THE INGREDIENTS, pay attention realize that Billion dollar companies don't care about you all you are to them is another $.
DO NOT JOIN, if you are not interested in bettering you're health and mind, we don't want you here. 👽 HELP THOSE AROUND YOU.
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