Lovely day community!!
It’s still snow covered in BC! But I am getting ancy to start my seedlings.
I’m also getting ancy to post my first course. I did join Skool with no knowledge of it, nor any leg work completed. Plus, I’m more of an outdoorsy gal and computer issues are a place for immense learning on my end.
Please be patient with me…. I have a lot of great things coming your way!
I have 2 passions in my life… full on passions!!!! Feeding my family the food we grow and snowboarding. Both absolutely ground me. Both feed my soul.
Tonight is my snowboarding night… and I can’t wait! This shoulder season is the hardest…. As the snow melts, I lament the end of the ski season. As the ground thaws, I wait for workable soil…. I have a complex relationship with spring 😉
Please tell me your passion(s). I would love to know what makes you come alive!