Visionary Energy ~ It's a Vibe
It's less about what the Visionary does, more about what that individual radiates.
It's about the energy he/she exudes.
It's all about the Aura.
You could use the word Luminary interchangeably since that gets to the essence of the fact that visionaries spread light wherever they go.
This is the condition of the Visionary, Luminary, Mystic, Sacred Agitator, Innovator and Paradigm Disruptor.
If you recognize this quality within yourself, here's the deal...
You require a depth of inner Core Stability and inner resolve to hold your light and genius gifts and visionary frequency unwaveringly in a world that would like to stay stuck in the old paradigms running on fear and shadow.
And you may also be suffering under this illusion. I know I was...
Because you’re an outlier, you feel like you’re a misfit and you have to go it alone, remain misunderstood and unsupported in your quest to make the world a better place than you found it.
Nope. You absolutely fit in...
...with others who question everything, accept nothing at face value, have zero fucks for the normal, the conventional, the acceptable, and hold a palpable resonance with a better vision for the evolution of humanity as a whole.
Shout out and hands up if this is you. ✌️🙌🖐️
Here's some more Truth...
The Outliers, Sacred Agitators and Maverick Creators of the world NEED more confidence and bravery in order to innovate better ways of being for themselves and the planet.
Giving up the old structures, systems, and the thoughts and beliefs that keep cementing them into the 3D reality illusion doesn't come without clarity of the preferred vision of personal and collective evolution.
When this is rock solid within you and the vision illuminates you with desire, drive, mental fortitude and courage to be your badass authentic self, you will KNOW.
You'll say what needs to be said.
You're willing to question your own beliefs. Regularly.
You're absolutely OK with standing out and being able to zig when others zag.
You unflinchingly go first and take action on something when you get a FULL BODY YES, even when it makes no sense to your mind and to the version of you who is still playing it safe and worried about what others might think.
You already know that by taking a quick inventory of your own inner beliefs that are gatekeeping your progress forward.
Something isn't matching up.
You wanna zig while everybody else is telling you it's safer to zag.
Take it from me, a fellow Sacred Agitator who has also made a habit of playing small and gatekeeping her own progress-- there is NOTHING holding you back from expansion, fulfillment, joy and peace, except You.
So, my friend... what's giving you the fidgets right now?
What ideas are percolating within you that feel too 'out there' to consciously acknowledge or even say out loud?
They wouldn't be taking up valuable energetic real estate within you if they weren't MEANT FOR YOU.
Being a Visionary is a VIBE.
We're the innovators, the first-wavers, the dream-makers, the lighthouses, the truth whisperers, the time weavers of a golden future, the problem-solvers, the big-hearted oddballs and the rebel creators who are endlessly curious about how to do LIFE better and in ways that no one else has figured out yet.
Where are my fellow Visionaries?
Drop me a comment about what makes you a Visionary down below.
Kathryn Mussell
Visionary Energy ~ It's a Vibe
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