Don't Market Your Skool "The Normal Way" | Try This Instead
a good friend of mine started the #1 health and fitness podcast
their first episode aired in 2012
... well before the rest of the world caught on
I was honoured to be a guest on the show back in 2019 (and again in 2021)
this friend taught me a lot
about business, about marketing, about life, about potential
but there's one thing that stuck with me
and I've come to understand it in the form of ECOSYSTEMS
as experts at what we do, we often feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and stressed trying to package everything ypu
we KNOW our stuff ...
... but letting others KNOW about our stuff is challenging
we look at all the different options available to us
all the things we could do
and that causes us to freeze
  • all the marketing platforms
  • all the different tools, techniques, and frameworks
  • all the different options
you're not a marketer or an advertiser
you're an expert, and in the TOP 1% in the world, at what you do
taking this ECOSYSTEM perspective alleviates a lot of the overwhelm
it makes sharing what you do, and attracting clients happy to pay premium prices
  • simple
  • straight forward
  • easy
the story my friend shared with me that finally made the 💡 go off was this 👇
"we start "marketing" our offers at least 6 months before we announce them ...
that means if we have a new nutrition focused product coming out
--- we frame 90% of our content around nutrition to help frame our audience with what's to come
  • our guests will be experts in nutrition
  • the content we publish to social will have a nutrition flavour
  • the newsletters we send out will have a nutrition flavour
we're still focused on our overall industry of health, fitness, strength, conditioning, crossfit, etc
but we're priming our audience to focus on the thing we want them to focus on
over this period of time they're becoming more aware of the pains, problems, and desires they have and how nutrition plays a role in it
then, when we eventually announce the new product, people go nuts"
this helped me realise how SIMPLE it actually is
... and that it's we who make it complex
taking this ECOSYSTEM perspective helps us to take a 30,000ft view
and from there we can be very intentional with how we package up our message
as the entire intent of that messaging is this 👇
FRAMING our audience to think a certain way - NOT getting them to take an action
thanks to this framing, they'll take action when the time comes
all you need to do is invite them
and if they're ready, they'll take you up on the invitation
with time, the feedback you get from your audience will tell you what resonates with them
... so you just double down on that
this helps you to form "pillars" that you can rotate through
and the game becomes saying the same few things 1,000,000 different ways
you're just repackaging it to look different
but the same core message is the same
this helps create the psychological effect of CONSISTENCY
--- and it creates a "brand" for you
as people come to know what to expect from you
and that STRENGTHENS their entanglement with you and their attraction to you
when you think about it this way, the actions become very simple and smooth
  • what does my audience want to hear
  • what does my audience need to hear
  • what does my audience value
then, you just communicate that with them in formats they like to consume on platforms they like to consume on
there's really no need for fancy frameworks or formulas
the first principle is simple human to human conversation
we're just using technology and platforms to communicate instead of face-to-face
if you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or frustrated with growing your skool community right now, the best thing you can do is
(a) grab pen and paper
(b) go to a quiet place in nature
(c) answer those three questions above
it's the mind and trying to THINK your way to a solution that creates the tension
answering those questions and then taking action removes it all
then, you take an action daily and analyse the data that's fed back to you
you do more of what works, and less of what doesn't
at the beginning, this feedback will likely be slower
and that's okay - as it's the beginning of something new
you've planted the seed
now you need to water it each day and let it grow
you won't see signs it's growing until one day - it sprouts through the earth
... and that's the real work
that trust, that patience, that knowing
divert from the path before then, and you're just continually planting seeds without ever seeing them grow and bloom
business is an ECOSYSTEM, and we need to view it that way
hope you found this educational piece valuable
Nick Maier
Don't Market Your Skool "The Normal Way" | Try This Instead
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