Does Someone Need Your Solution?
I've got something really personal to share.
I felt utterly unqualified when I began this Skool community—this wild, beautiful idea of stepping out on my own and creating something that mattered.
I wasn't just doubting whether I could pull it off; I was questioning whether I even was worthy to try. The self-doubt was suffocating. The fear? Overwhelming. I'd tell myself, "Randy, you're not built for this. Who are you to even consider this? You don't have what it takes." And for a long time, I believed that voice. It was so loud, so convincing. But I just couldn't get rid of this vision to build a community that supports folks who aren't into typical recovery programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous. I want to help out the overthinkers, perfectionists, people pleasers, and their families who are affected by alcoholism or addiction.
But there came a moment—an almost imperceptible shift—when I realized something important.
All the fear I was feeling wasn't about failure or success. It was about purpose. I had been looking at this whole thing—this dream, this vision—through the wrong lens. I thought I had to prove myself, make my business work, and somehow earn my place in the world. But then it hit me: the world doesn't need more businesses. It needs more solutions. Easier Ways is not a business! We help people first, and then if they want to financially support us to continue our work, they will. And that realization changed everything.
You see, we often get tangled up in the idea of business as a cutthroat arena where success is measured by numbers. But the truth—the deep, profound truth—is that the most transformative businesses, the ones that leave a legacy, are the ones that solve real human problems. They're born out of a need to make things better, not a need to be the best.
Take Airbnb, for example. When they started, they didn't have a grand vision of dominating the hospitality industry. They saw a problem: people needed more affordable, personal, and flexible options for places to stay. And beyond that, people wanted connection, not just another impersonal hotel room. So, they offered a solution. Was it perfect from day one? Absolutely not. But they stayed focused on the problem they wanted to solve, which turned their idea into a global phenomenon.
This realization was like stepping into the light after being in the dark for so long. I wasn't here to create a business just to make money. I was here to offer something that could change lives and help people in a meaningful way. The fear was still there—trust me, it always will be—but now it had a purpose. Now, instead of being an obstacle, it became a sign that I was about to do something worth fighting for.
And that's what I want to share with you today.
If you're standing at the edge of launching your dream—starting a business, launching a project, or taking a giant, scary leap—I want you to stop for a moment and ask yourself: What problem can I help solve? Because that's where the magic happens. That's where fear becomes fuel, and self-doubt starts to loosen its grip. Everything changes when you shift your focus from how I can compete to how I can serve.
The world doesn't need us or our business to be perfect. It doesn't need you to have the most polished business plan or the most impressive credentials.
What the world needs is your heart, perspective, and unique ability to see a problem and offer a solution. And the truth is, you're more than capable of doing that. Not because you have all the answers but because you care enough to ask the right questions.
I know this isn't easy.
Vulnerability is part of the deal. Starting something new, stepping into the unknown—it's terrifying. You're putting yourself out there, risking failure, rejection, criticism. But what if you shifted your gaze to the people you're here to help instead of focusing on all the ways it could go wrong? What if, instead of trying to prove your worth, you trusted that your gifts—your voice, your perspective, your story—are already enough?
Because they are. You are.
I've walked this path. I know what it feels like to be paralyzed by fear, believe you're not enough, and think this dream may be too big for you. But I've also seen what happens when you push past that fear and step into the arena wholeheartedly.
So here's the truth: the world doesn't need another business.
It needs more people who are brave enough to solve problems, show up with courage, and offer something that helps another soul.
You are one of those people.
You may not feel ready, but let me tell you something I've learned the hard way—none of us ever feels completely ready.
The question isn't whether you're ready. It's whether you're willing to take the first step, even when it feels shaky, even when the doubts are screaming. This is true in business, in relationships and even sobriety.
The world needs you, not some idealized, perfected version of yourself, but the authentic you.
Randy Hyden
Does Someone Need Your Solution?
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