Sales Chess~Lifestyle Mastery
Private group
62 members
Let me show you how you can leverage the corporate world to your advantage.
Use the Sales Chess framework to:-
- Gain Financial Freedom
- Work anywhere in the World
- Be Captain of your own Destiny
- Attain Lifestyle Mastery
My personal experience and insights will provide you with a unique perspective on how to use the corporate business world to achieve what I call “Lifestyle Mastery”.
It is a system that not only makes a lot of money but also delivers a glamorous international lifestyle.
I spent over a decade traveling the world, working when I wanted, and most importantly, adding to, subtracting from, developing, and refining the fundamentals the framework that I now bring to you: “Sales Chess”.
Sales Chess~Lifestyle Mastery
Make the corporate world work for you.
Actionable advice based on real-world experience selling directly to Chief Executives.
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