Stage Ready Posing takes time to nail !
So i just got done with visiting a show today being with a client. Watching it made me realise just how much you really need to practise posing.
Posing for instagram, for pics you send to your coach etc is so different to posing on stage.
Heres what you notice on stage when you havnt practised enough.
👉 You look uncomfortable - which makes the audience feel awkward
👉 You are not holding poses through out the entire time on stage, you fidget, move and shuffle in the pose. Which means the judge cant appreciate the pose.
👉 You take to much time getting in to the pose because you are still unsure, you havnt taken the time to practise enough so that your body does it on autopilot
And lastly, you just aren't as good as you think you are at posing.
This can all be fixed by more practise. and practising with intent.
You HAVE to put the work in, we are bodybuilders, posing is the game of our sport. We have to nail it on the day or all that hard work can be wasted.
I saw multiple placings today that could have been flip flopped had the athletes posed better.
Take this shit serious, and we can improve together.
You got literally nothing to lose - if you want more help. Video feedback and access to live calls (we dont offer that in this community) click this link 👉 #Ready to level up? ⚡️
Jon Lofthouse
Stage Ready Posing takes time to nail !
GoldenBoy Posing Club
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