Go International Academy
Private group
379 members
When you enter, you'll get access to a community of like-minded people, and all the resources you need to create & launch a successful SMMA / Digital Marketing Agency in 2024.
What you'll get inside:
βœ… Self Mastery Course 50,000 PKR
βœ… Agency Mastery Course 50,000 PKR
βœ… Meta Ads Mastery Course 70,000 PKR
βœ…Sales Mastery Course 130,000 PKR
βœ… Bonuses & Top Secrets 20,000 PKR
βœ… Weekly Live QnA Calls 30,000 PKR
βœ… Entrepreneur Community Priceless
Access For Just 11,997 PKR For 24 Months!
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Go International Academy
Building Future Agency Owners in Pakistan πŸ‡΅πŸ‡°
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