Hello everyone,
For those who don't know me, my name is Lucas and I am a full time college student who is 16 yrs old, I have been learning how to setup up database campaigns, workflows in those campaigns, how to market offers, best way of selling a prospect into buying your services/solutions.
And to be honest I am fed up of just learning, I feel like I will learn a lot more a lot quicker if I actually put my practice into action, that is why I am making this post, I am looking to join an individual/or team, who is already taking on clients and setting up DBR Campaigns, workflows, etc, so that I can get that full view on what goes on behind the scenes. If this opportunity is something that you can offer me, then I will be more then happy to work for you, and learn the ins and outs of how to start setting up DBR Campaigns, etc.
Many thanks,