FAQ: Reviews on Fire
If you want to create a workflow that asks current customers for a review (we recommend GMB), click the link to import this one-workflow snapshot: https://affiliates.gohighlevel.com/?fp_ref=fitclub-accelerator20&share=yKHaZabpVma5cx4qx4mf
This is essentially the same thing as DR, but with a small variation: the SMS is a message requesting that they complete a review, and when they respond with any of those keywords, they will be sent the next message thanking them and providing a link.
Ensure that you have an opt out message for compliance purposes if it's the first time you're texting or if it's been 90 days or more since the last message from the GHL number. If there is no response or response that does not include the keywords listed within 5 days, they will exit the workflow.
Ensure to edit the "Link SMS" to input your link for the review.
Additionally, depending on list size it's probably safe to just send the link directly in the first message and not deal with keyword opt in at all! We like hiding the link behind opt ins because it increases the likelihood of only getting positive reviews, and also is that much more of a failsafe for deliverability (in general, we always shy away from blasting a ton of messages with a link in it!)
Haplin Milgrom-Hills
FAQ: Reviews on Fire
GoHighLevel w/ Robb Bailey
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