Global Marketing Agent 2.0
Private group
50 members
Welcome to the certified Global Marketing Agent community. When we created the International Real Estate Specialist certification (I.R.E.S.) in 2006 and then re-branded to Global Marketing Agent in 2014 for the sole purpose of creating a global community of like-minded professionals who valued three things: COMMUNITY, CONNECTION, & COLLABORATIVE-CONVERSATIONS.
Times have changed and technology has advanced. We listened to the current members and created GMA 2.0 reworked the curriculum, and developed a better system with:
  • Updated training videos with test & certificate
  • Digital Global Marketing Agreements with Online Signing
  • Marketing Templates created for your use
  • Technology process to co-market listings in minutes with all electronic agreements 
  • Social media announcements
  • Personal version of the digital Castles & Estates magazine
  • Zooms for education & support
Global Marketing Agent 2.0
Welcome to the Certified GMA community. Introduce yourself, notify the group when you have a new listing on the GMA site, share your wins & connect.
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