Hi All! Just thought Iโ€™d post my recent progression here and start a bit of a thread of your successes too๐Ÿ‘
Weighed myself this morning and hit that lovely 1 and a half stone down milestone, this is 1.5 lost since January 2nd (took Jan 1st to be hungover and finish off the Christmas chocolate.)
I feel like the calorie deficit has been an instant life changer and is the main part of my weight loss so far, but joining the gym has aided that and also given me a confidence boost in my day to day life and in my discipline.
Have you guys found any other useful routine changes/tools have been nice additional factors that have helped get you to your goal?
Unfortunately work has kept me away from the first 2 weekly calls, but hoping to see you all on the third! ๐Ÿ˜„
Josh Clutton
The Weight Loss Blueprint
The Weight Loss Blueprint is the fundamentals of weight loss. No restrictions. No fad diets. Only results, and a community to support. Join Today ๐Ÿ’ช
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