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$36,500 in 72 Hours By Giving Away a 2 Page PDF
I shared this with a few of my clients and they seemed to like it, thought I'd share it here as well and build a new community where I can share and interact with people. This video covers: 1. How to giveaway a 2 page PDF to make more money with anything that you're selling. 2. How to do it in a way which is non-salesy or pushy. 3. How to genuinely help people and build a happy business. 4. Examples of how to create this PDF in less than 10 minutes. If you'd like me to take a look at your offers, suggest, brainstorm or anything - leave a comment and I'll get it done ASAP.
New comment Feb '23
$36,500 in 72 Hours By Giving Away a 2 Page PDF
1-on-1 Help
If you'd like me to take a look at your offers and marketing and suggest the fastest path to $30K per month, please go here to book a call with me: If I think we're a good fit, I'll squeeze in some time to talk to you personally. This is not for everybody though and I might reject your application if (1) you're not already promoting or trying to get sales for a digital product/service (2) I don't think you and I are going to be a good fit. At the end of the day I want to make sure that I can deliver results FASTER, EASIER and BETTER for anyone I choose to work with.
New comment Feb '23
1-on-1 Help
Frequently Asked Questions
- What exactly is the 2-page PDF that you're giving away? This is already answered in the main video but I'll do it again here. The PDF is 2 pages because it has to be SKIMMABLE... most people will never read anything that they download in full. Thanks to IG Reels, YT shorts the attention spans are at an all time low. So instead of battling it and trying different ways to make people go through lengthy videos, PDFs, ebooks etc. we play at their level and give them 40% of the solution in a PDF format. The rest of the 60% (the main solution) is delivered to them via a pre-selling video/sales page with a call to action. Since everything is structured to keep the sale moving forward, we've seen optin rates sky-rocket from 30%ish to almost 74%. You can create a PDF for any niche that you want to promote. As long as you can solve a problem - you have a 40:60 Lead magnet. All you have to do is: → Solve 1 Problem in 1 40:60 Lead magnet. You can even create multiple lead magnets for the same offer. Examples included in the video. - How does giving away the PDF lead to making $36,500 in 72 hours? The PDF is part of a 2 step process..... 3 actually. The third one being the page where you collect the payment or make the actual offer. → I gave away a guide showing people "13 high ticket affiliate programs" this was the 40:60 Lead Magnet. → 60% was showing them which offers convert the best and how to find hidden gems. → Call to action was letting me help them get the sales. - Who is the target audience for this community? This will ONLY work for people who already have something they are trying to get sales for. It could be an affiliate product or your own product. As long as you have something to sell but are unable to hit the $30K per month mark consistently, using the 40:60 Lead magnet and giveaway funnel is the fastest way to see success. - What benefits will I get by joining the community? → Answers to your questions directly from me. Now I'm not saying I am the best - but I can say I'll try my best to help you out with your marketing and getting you sales.
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Giveaway: $36,500 in 72 Hours
How I Gave Away a 2 Page PDF (that took me less than 10 minutes to create) to Generate $36,500 in 72 Hours. The complete breakdown!
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