Hey Team G$D!
We're less than 12 hours away from 2025!
What's Your BHAG for the year?
Wait, what's a B.H.A.G.?
It's your Big Hairy Audacious Goal!
So, if you and I were to sit down and have a chat a year from today - answer this question:
What would Have to have happened in your life, both personally and professionally for you to have been satisfied with your progress?
(That's called the Dan Sullivan Question, BTW)
We'd love to know what you are working on and toward this year!
Put some juice into wowing us with your vision! The more compelling your goals are, the more you'll be rewarded with likes and comments (points) so you can level up!
Be sure to like and comment on people's goals!
Got questions or challenges with goal setting?
Chime in with those too!
See you soon!