Vision [30 days of ME - Day 25]
Imagine that! 🤩
Can you see where you’re going?
Do you have a vision for your future?
Creative visualization and laws of attraction can be effective tools in clarifying your direction and achieving your dreams.
Dreaming alone won't get you there.
However, when you envision each step you will make and see yourself taking precise actions you are more likely and able to then make that dream reality.
For decades olympic athletes and top performers in most any sport or profession have been applying principles of visualization to attract and achieve successful outcomes.
Focused visualization rehearsing an activity, performance or skill in your mind is a powerful tool helping to program your body.
Remember, what you focus on expands and becomes energized.
Will you focus on the negative circumstances of your current situation or will you choose to envision and attract that which you wish to be?
Today take a few moments to imagine and write in detail the vision of where you will be in your life in 5, 10, 20 years.
Really feel it.
Get detailed.
From there you can start manifesting that vision by taking actions toward achieving that reality.
Share your vision or views》🤩 💬
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Wendy Wiseman
Vision [30 days of ME - Day 25]
WISE 😎 GenXcellent Vitality
Move out of pain at any age! Don't "feel old" ... Feel Totally Awesome! From genXhausted to GenXcellent! 🖖😎 Thrive with Radical Vitality... ⚡JOIN ⚡
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