It's totally cool to win Skool points!
You earn points when other members like your posts or comments. 1 like = 1 point.
This encourages users to produce quality content and interact with other members in their community.
As you gain points, you level up and unlock prizes so be sure to comment and post inspiring content that activates engagement.
Your level # is shown at the bottom right of your avatar image.
The number of points required to get to the next level is shown under your avatar on your profile page.
Level 1 - 0 points
Level 2 - 5 points
Level 3 - 20 points
Level 4 - 65 points
Level 5 - 155 points
Level 6 - 515 points
Level 7 - 2,015 points
Level 8 - 8,015 points
Level 9 - 33,015 points
Find current prizes unlocked at each level by clicking the Leaderboard tab above.
When interacting please remember...
Always be respectful, and be sure to ask for any support you need in taking your healthy happiness to the max! 🤘😎