Have you explored Skool Discovery yet?
Once you have met minimum requirements for creating a community and adding members your community is eligible for ranking in the "Discovery" which is like the search engine listing of Skool community groups.
The ranking is based on engagement and activity metrics. This means that some groups with smaller number of members may rank higher than less active groups of higher membership count.
This is a new platform and you have the opportunity to grab certain attention before more and more groups arrive. I searched on things like "barefoot" and "longevity" and "vitality"
As of this writing the Get WISE! GenXcellent Vitality group is on the 4th row of "longevity" ... the 6th row of "vitality" results...
...and Get WISE! Barefoot Vitality is currently the only result for barefoot!
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πŸ’₯Get in before rates go up! πŸš€
Tons of terrific training and access to personal insights and guidance from the depths of my 30+ years experience helping people move out of pain to enjoy fun-loving movement freedom no matter personal physical ability. Come join us!
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Wendy Wiseman
WISE 😎 GenXcellent Vitality
Move out of pain at any age! Don't "feel old" ... Feel Totally Awesome! From genXhausted to GenXcellent! πŸ––πŸ˜Ž Thrive with Radical Vitality... ⚑JOIN ⚑
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