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Let's Get Out of Here!
Hey, I've decided to move my group to my website, rather than pay extra to use the Skool platform. I'd love it if you all followed this link and moved into my new group. I'll be shutting down this Skool account in a week or so, so if you want to receive free content and network with other coaches, please join my new group. Let me know if you have any questions or problems. Renee
Let's discuss lead generation
What has been your most successful lead generation tactic so far? Would love to hear what's been working for you. It's great to share ideas.
New comment Jul '23
Here are some questions to help you recognize the full potential of your coaching practice.
1. What is the one you do really well as a coach? 2. What is the biggest problem you solve for your clients? 3. How are you different or better than your competitors? Would love to read your answers. Feel free to post questions of your own.
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Genius Junction
This is where coaches come together to find inspiration and cultivate excellence. Do more of what you love, better!
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