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Transformers for Professionals is happening in 12 days
Introducing the Luma Dream Machine, a next-generation AI video technology.
Highlights - The Luma Dream Machine utilizes cutting-edge AI technology for video creation. - It offers advanced features like automated editing and intelligent scene selection. - Users can easily create professional-quality videos with just a few clicks. - The AI technology analyzes content to generate personalized video recommendations. - The Luma Dream Machine revolutionizes the video creation process with its innovative approach.
Introducing the Luma Dream Machine, a next-generation AI video technology.
AI for the Summer Holidays!
As summer approaches, I've been planning my travel itinerary, determined to make the most of the upcoming season. In my quest for the perfect getaway, I recently discovered a treasure trove of AI-powered tools that have revolutionized the way I approach trip planning. Here is the article link: From deciding where to go to exploring destinations and booking accommodations, these AI assistants have become indispensable companions in my summer travel journey. I'm excited to share my findings with the you all. Have you also tapped into the potential of AI to streamline your travel planning process?
Replit - AI-driven software development platform
Replit is a powerful online coding platform that allows users to write, run, and collaborate on code from anywhere with an internet connection. Replit is an AI-driven software creation platform that enables users to build, share, and ship software quickly. It provides a cloud-based, browser-based IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that supports over 50 programming languages and frameworks. Some of Replit's key features include: - Instant code execution and deployment - Replit allows users to instantly host and deploy their projects without complex setup - Real-time collaboration - Users can code together in real-time, leave comments, and chat through problems - AI-powered code assistance - Replit's AI can help with code completion, debugging, and even generating code through conversation - Access to templates and pre-built projects - Replit provides templates and access to millions of existing projects that users can clone and remix - Cross-device accessibility - Replit has desktop, mobile, and tablet apps so users can code from anywhere
New comment May 6
China Unveils Vidu: A Powerful Text-to-Video Generator
Shengshu Technology and Tsinghua University have unveiled Vidu, a powerful text-to-video generator that can create 16-second clips at 1080p resolution with a simple click.[1][6] Vidu is positioned as a competitor to OpenAI's Sora, with a similar video generation capability.[1][6] Vidu is built on the innovative Universal Vision Transformer (U-ViT) architecture, which predates the diffusion transformer (DiT) architecture used by Sora.[1][6] Vidu can generate videos with intricate scenes, realistic lighting and shadows, and detailed facial expressions.[1][6] It also has multi-camera capabilities for dynamic shots.[1][6] While Vidu is a remarkable achievement showcasing China's advancements in AI research, a direct comparison to Sora reveals that Vidu's visual output lags behind in terms of fidelity and realism.[1][6] However, Vidu's temporal consistency is noteworthy, and the technology has significant potential for further refinement and enhancement.[1][6] Source:
New comment May 3
China Unveils Vidu: A Powerful Text-to-Video Generator
Google just released Med-Gemini
Google has just released their latest Multimodal LLM for the medical domain - Med-Gemini. This release boasts an impressive 91.1% accuracy on MedQA (USMLE) benchmark, and outperforms Med-PaLM 2 by 4.6%. On 7 multimodal benchmarks including NEJM Image Challenges and MMMU (health & medicine), Med-Gemini improves over GPT-4V by an average relative margin of 44.5%. More details can be found here -> This type of work has the potential to open up access to world-class doctors for patients in remote parts of the world, as doctors and hospitals will be able to use such technology remotely to increase their efficiency.
New comment May 3
Google just released Med-Gemini
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