Could this tax grab be in the Budget?
It seems like the government have come up with yet another plan to encourage Landlords to sell up! see the link below for the full article.
It seems that our Chancellor wrote a piece a few years ago claiming it was wrong for people to get the extra tax free allowance on IHT for their home and this is something else that it being mooted as a way to raise more tax! The estimate is that it could raise £2bn for their black hole made worse with high wage settlements.
The party of envy as some people call them see anyone with a nice home and some assets which their rank and file dont have because they perhaps have not worked as hard or have had more holidays or go to the club every week, as fair game.
So as many landlords hold properties in their own names these will get caught up and some may decide to sell while they can and then pass the money on to family.
It may also see more people putting their properties into a company which they could sell on or pass down with less problem.
What a mess they are creating with no plan on how they will actually house all the homeless people!
Bruce Haagensen
Could this tax grab be in the Budget?
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