Disabled Ad Account
My Ad Account was disabled after my first set of ads. I am unable to use the page attached to that ad account. I had some other pages created some time ago. I created a new Ad manager and a new Ad account and attached an existing page to it.
My Question is, how do I get you the new Pixel ID? The form only allows you send it once.
What ID do I send you?
The Dataset ID or the Pixel ID.
Business Suite does not allow me to create a Pixel as it states that it has been moved to Dataset creation. So I am not sure.
PS: I am unable to use the $5 Bully method until Pixel is installed on affiliate landing Page. I saw a comment that you are back as normal from now on. Can you give us an estimate as to how much longer we need to wait for this.
Rayhaan Willemse
Disabled Ad Account
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